(Scroll CLEAR down for very late Halloween pics)
THE CAKE!!! Keaton has been SO into Toy Story lately that I knew what cake I had to do for his birthday. Everything is edible except for the characters. It was such a blast to make. I did bits and pieces of it over 3 days time so I could get it right. It only took 2 attempts to get the head/foot board the way I wanted. Happy 2nd Birthday Keaton Bruce Redd.

I love the way it turned out!

Thank you everyone for being so generous to our little guy. He won't put Buzz or Woody down for even a second! And he takes them for rides on Mack and crashes into the punching bag. Haha His mind has been so creative the last little while. It has been so fun watching him play make believe.

Blowing out the candles.
The boys admiring the cake...they wouldn't leave it's side, they thought it was SO cool. Seeing their faces made all the time put in to it TOTALLY worth it!

Only one little mis-hap that was covered with Andy's bed. This part turned out better than I thought it would...I just mixed melted chocolate in to the fondant. The marbled look worked great for the flooring.
I did these a few days before the party to make sure I could figure it out without looking too home-made.

Tanner eatin his toes just like his brother used to do
First 'REAL' snow experience. Keaton wanted to build a snowman, but the snow was NOT cooperating, so I made him a snow pile. He didn't know the difference!

Brotherly bonding in bed
This picture makes me laugh so hard!
Keat telling Tanner a bedtime story and Tanner listening intently

We took Keaton to his first BYU basketball game. He LOVED it!!! His face was in complete awe with everything. He loved it the most when everyone sang the BYU song....he got so good at rah rah. rah rah rah, rah rah, rah rah rah, gooooooooooooooooooooo COUGARS!!! Still doing it today.
Pointing out the COUGAR
Tanner, getting so so big

Keat got a really bad cough and was wheezing pretty bad. I was so nervous it was some new allergy or something going on so I took him in. It ended up being a really bad cold heading towards the croup. The doc gave us a breathing treatment at the office (oh boy was that fun). When that didn't help too much, he decided that we needed to continue the treatments at home. We started doing them every 4 hours and gradually went off it over 5 days or so.
A few randoms of my handsome BOYS

Last walk outside :-(

Halloween...only 2 months late, Our little stinker and batman. They both looked so adorable. I totally thought Keaton was going to freak out and not go trick-or-treating, oh did he prove me wrong! ha It was pouring rain so we decided to go with my brother to their ward trunk-or-treat. The rain didn't stop batman. He RAN car to car so excited and said "trit-o-treat" and after he got the candy he said "tank do" (thank you). He didn't want to leave until he finally took the time to look around and saw some warewolf and other freaky kids with masks. It was so much fun, even though we got soaked!

I had never ever dealt with fondant and was pretty nervous about it. It was seriously the weirdest thing I have ever made but SO SO easy!

Halloween...only 2 months late, Our little stinker and batman. They both looked so adorable. I totally thought Keaton was going to freak out and not go trick-or-treating, oh did he prove me wrong! ha It was pouring rain so we decided to go with my brother to their ward trunk-or-treat. The rain didn't stop batman. He RAN car to car so excited and said "trit-o-treat" and after he got the candy he said "tank do" (thank you). He didn't want to leave until he finally took the time to look around and saw some warewolf and other freaky kids with masks. It was so much fun, even though we got soaked!

Your little boys are so cute. You did an awesome job on his cake.
K, you set the bar WAY high with that cake! It looks AMAZING! Wow...and the time it must have took! You are such a good mom! Love the BYU pictures, so cute of the boys! :)
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