That's right, BABY REDD #2 is on it's way!!! We are SO thrilled...I'm due the first of July, so I'm maybe 4 weeks along. We had to share the news so early because my sister Hailey just announced that she is also prego and we are due about 2 days apart!!! We are SO SO excited to have babies together! To top it off my brother's wife Jess is having a baby in Feb! WOW 3 additions to my side of the family before summer!!! BABIES EVERYWHERE!!! LOVE IT.
Keat is going to be the best BIG BRO...he will read the baby books...
show the baby how to open drawers and take everything out...
And how to climb into cubbards and then look to see if mommy is watching! haha
Keat is so fun right now...definately into more trouble than before but it is so great to watch him grow and discover new things!